Saturday 21 November 2009

My 22nd Birthday part 2

After the climb up and down the mountain we went on a 21km ride to this waterfall, called the peguche waterfall. This was on my birthday. This is the view from one of the points we stopped at.

We rode for about 21km to peguche waterfalls.

This is our ecuadorian guide. he was a complete joker!

Peguche waterfalls again. extra pics for you dad cos i know u like waterfalls!

The second part of my adventure birthday was a 42km bike ride through the mountains! 38km or so of it was purely downhill, but there was one part which was uphill for 2km straight! that was so difficult, but felt pretty good to finish it.

At the finish of the 2km uphill part.

During our ride we went past this lady on the side of the road selling fruit so we stopped off and tried it. really really sweet.

Our bike ride ended at some hot springs. Hot springs are basically naturally hot water that they put into a thing like a jacuzzi, outdoor. Before we went into them we had lunch and had time to chill in a river behind the place we were having lunch.

Jamming in the hotsprings!

a couple of days later we climbed another mountain called cotocachi. The climb was difficult so we werent able to take many pictures.
This is us basically at the top. From the looks on our faces you can tell we really enjoyed it!

My 22nd Birthday at 4250m!

This is a picutre of me with the guide at our starting point which was 3800m above sea level. In the background is the mountain we climbed called fuya fuya. the peak that we climbed to is covered by the clouds! fuya fuya in the local language kitchwa means cloudy. the peak we reached is 4250m above sea level. The first ever mountain i have climbed!

Climbing a mountain was harder than we thought! So we were taking regular breaks. this is the view from our first breakpoint. behind me is the mojando lake

A proper view of the mojando lake.

Stunning views

only 5 metres to go til the peak. the climb was pretty difficult, but getting to the top felt great!

Abz, being the badman that he is, got me a banner for the top of the mountain. it was so windy that the banner kept getting tangled up. this is a picture of me and the guide trying to untangle the banner at the top!

Now me and abz had a go at untangling. wasnt really working!

Abz managed to get me some cake as well.

the cake shop didnt have a box the right size for the cake, so abz spent ages making one! unfortunately the cakes didnt make it in one piece!

it was my birthday but somehow i managed to get more cake on abz face than he got on mine!

Feeding the guide


obviously we had to take a nap on the mountain.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

White water rafting

we went to a place called san gil in columbia, which is about 7 hours away from the capital bogota. this is the extreme sports capital of columbia. we managed to get a great deal on white water rafting and paragliding, only 18 quid for both! paragliding pics wont come up til later.

Rafting was a great adrenaline rush. the water was absolutely freezing.

Sunrise at puerto escondido

we got to puerto escondido at bout 6 in the morning, and werent allowed to check in to our hostel until 7 in the morning. so we walked bout 50 metres and went to the beach to wait til 7! all the local fishermen were out, busy at work and we were able to see the sunrise. it was awesome.

Dad, am putting up extra pictures for you. you would have absolutely loved just chilling here and watching the sunrise!

Meat market (veggies please dont look!)

We went on walks to check out some markets and to our great delight we walked into the market which was purely for barbequed meat! as you can see the meat is jus lined up and u ask them for a certain amount. they cut the slab of meat and pass it over to the person who is barbequing. they then bring the meat to your table. a meat lovers paradise!

It was a really busy place with people just shouting all over the place. There were different people selling meat, drinks, salad and tortillas. Amin uncle if you are looking at this abz was telling me how much you would have loved it.

Everything you see there cost us only a fiver. Enough meat for both of us, salad and drinks! what a bargain. as you can see from abz face this was the best day of the trip so far for him!

Went back there the next day! had to take the white boys! lol


Mexicans really take halloween seriously. this is the sand sculpture in the main town square. the whole thing is made out of coloured grains of sand and is kept in place by bricks. amazing.

In mexico the lives of the dead are celebrated on the 2nd of november. this is one of the processions we saw on the main road. the noise from the procession was insane.

Main town square, oaxaca city during the day.

Another sand sculpture in one of the museums we visited. yes thats right, we have been going to museums! we have been taking in quite a bit of culture.

Oaxaca city at night. They always have live music playing and performances in the town square. people love to just get up and start dancing!

Live jazz band in town square.

Freshly made potato crisps in a spiral on a stick! lovin it.

as you can see the spiral crisps are not the easiest to eat. abz dropped a bit on the floor. so sad! ha ha ha ha ha

Happy days! pancakes with nutella, maple syrup, hersheys and sprinkels! good enough reasons for the smile on my face

as you can see i was quite excited to eat the pancakes!