Tuesday 5 January 2010

inka trail

Did the full 4 day inka trail, i wanted to go for the 2 day option but some how abz convinced me that climbing and trekking for 4 days would be more fun

At the start of the inka trail. this board describes the whole route.

Tired after the first 10 minutes.

the route along the mountain is the route that we walked

the uphill part that was ahead of us at one point, a scary sight!

we saw a lama on the walk so we stopped to take some pictures of it. any excuse to take a break!

Our group for the inka trail. absolutely amazing group!

One of many breaks!

Our campsite on the second day

During the inka trail each group has porters to carry the tents, the food and also to cook the food. this is one of the porters from our group.

Brushing my teeth!!!

The view from our campsite on the second day

Another of the uphill parts along the trail. the little white dots you see are actually people!

The view from the half way point on day 3

Us with Mike and Hannah. An english couple who were in our group.

Half way through the third day our guide, Renato, found a walking stick and gave it to me! This was very helpful when climbing and i advise anyone who is going to do the inka trail to get one at the start!!

Some inka ruins. we were really lucky with the weather because it was supposed to be the rainy season, but we had sun for all 4 days!

trekking through the jungle

A lot of the second day was spent talkin about food, especially snickers. Abz and cody were really excited to get to camp and buy a snickers. unfortunately yhe camp site on the second day didnt sell anything. so after the thrid days trekking we arrived to the campsite and they finally got their snickers!
Cody is an american dude who was supposed to spend his whole time in peru, but after the inka trail he ended up coming to bolivia with us!!

Our guide found this bug we were talking about during the day. i think its called a lion ant. its huge!

Our whole group, trekkers, guides and porters! The porters were amazing. every morning they would wake us up and bring us tea in our tents!

Sunrise on the 4th day!

Our first glimpse of machu picchu. this is what the whole trek was about, and seeing it i realised it was well worth the 4 days of trekking and waking up at 5:30 am and 4am on the last day!

A clear view of machu picchu


Me with our guide renato. great guide!

Once we got to machu picchu we had the option to climb another mountain called waynapicchu. from the top of this we were able to get the best view of machu picchu.

Us with our group at the top of wayna picchu

view of machu picchu from the top of wayna picchu

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